Does anyone actully LIKE Radio Shack...?

That place is so overpriced and tiny. I mean what were the owners thinking. I want to go purchase some electronics, but i HATE having lots of options. Lets open a store in a 8x10 foot cell.


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Ha ha. You know I was thinking that the other day. We have one and it is sad. You walk in and walk right the hell back out. And this dude that works there is a total rock 'n roller and every time I see him (our building is near the shack) he always asks me if he can borrow my pink floyd shirt he saw me in ONE TIME.


I don't think I've ever actually bought anything from Radio Shack... but I used to go in and annoy people by playing on the electric pianos... I don't know how to play much of anything except for the standard "Chopsticks" and I'm really good at playing both parts of "Heart and Soul"...

I could live out my dream of playing piano in a real band, instead of playing the saxophone in my high school concert band... memories.

The Sidewalkinator2007-12-06T06:57:35Z

No I don't. The worst part was I used to Work at a RadioShack when I was younger. The products sucked. I hated asking for a name and address. It made no sense.

I could go on and I have a lot of funny stories too.


I haven't seen a Radio Shack around here in ages. I thought they closed out! But any, No, I never did like them any way.


I hate that store. They focus in on what the latest "thing" is and that's what they put on their few shelves. And God forbid you walk into their store and not buy anything. They stick their nose in the air at ya when you turn your back and walk out. Also, they certainly don't offer the electronic parts like they use to.

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