Do you show your tatts?

Or do they stay hidden all the time?


Get a life Peaches. I happen to hate CATS. That why I go to the pets site and bash cat lovers.......NOT!!! Now go take your meds and chill.


Harri_Pitt's, That would be a scary thought.........if I didn't all ready know what they look


Favorite Answer

The ones that are in plain sight stay in plain sight.
I don't go out of my way to show of my hip tattoo.


Its warm down here so I have been able to get out the tank tops and sun dresses so, yes they show. Not all the time, but I love my tatts and I am proud of them. I have one on my wrist that shows the most. ( Its a triple moon )

We are a tattooed family, I have 5, my oldest daughter has 9, and the youngest has 7. We all want more! ( we have all had ink doen by the same artist too! )


my tattoos are on my back between my shoulder blades. In the summer I wear tank tops to show them off but they pretty much stay hidden in the winter because its too cold to wear shirts like that. If it wasn't so cold I would show my tats off year round


They are between my shoulder blades (like Victoria Beckham) so it depends on the shirt I wear. I am never conscious that they are showing until someone goes "you have tattoos" or "what does that mean" Then I'm like oh you can see that. I don't go around trying to rebel by showing them off but if you can see them then whatever.

Major Strife2007-12-07T03:34:09Z

Depends on the weather, but most of the time the three on my arms are partially visiable and I will wear vest tops to show them off. The one on my back only shows when I swim, I don't show it off with low jeans or short length tops because I'm overweight and think girls who muffin top are revolting.

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