Does anyone else have their tattoos posted on ?

Personally, I really like this site. I've made some great friends there. The tattoos run the gamit from really, really horrible to some of the best ink you will ever see. Do any of you use this site and if so, please post a link to your ink so I can rate it. Here are mine and

Thanks, Rider


Etrigone.....Glad to see that you are still alive and kicking!! How is the gf's ink coming?


Favorite Answer

I don't, actually.
I never post my tattoos anywhere.
I have a very strong, irrational fear of tattoo thieves.


Dude! Back from the way-too-busy (and I lost my frequent poster tag due to my own, so I know where you're coming from).

I used to. Something happened to my account and it went bye-bye. When I tried to reset it, something jammed. I haven't tried since due to lack of free time, partially. Although not for the same reasons as Olivia, I don't think I'll return. I'm not too interested in some random schmoe from Ohio (ba dum bump) giving me a 1 since he doesn't like "them dum Oreontal tats" [sic]. Guessing on the state, but since it's my original home I feel like I can dis if I want & the quote was verbatim.

Yours are still totally damn cool, btw. I think this is the first time I've seen a closeup of the Frazetta coverup since right after you got it. Very, very nice.

Addendum: Appointment #3 is Dec 20; musculature of the piece is done, now she needs scales (& background if she has the time before her next dance gigs).


I agree with the above comment. Often times it's the attractiveness of the person that makes the tattoo seem hot. Roseanne Barr has tattoos, is she hot? A tattoo for me can be attractive ona girl, but only if it has meaning to her life. True meaning.


Personally, I have never heard of it! But it sounds interesting so I am going to check it out! I have 2 tattoos! So thanks for the information I am always up for meeting new friends!


This is great my best friend has a tattoo shop I will get some of my work & others that he has done. He is a very talented artist. Thanks!

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