How about a list of extreme methods of tattoo removal?

It's late and I'm feeling time for a list of extreme, as wild as you want to get methods of tattoo removal.

PS Neither yahoo answers or myself condone the use of ANY of this methods. Anyone attempting to use one of these methods will be declared a dumba$$, tarred and feathered and banned from the internet for life.

OK....Me first. My favorite, a match and gasoline. Its cheap and the equipment is readily available. (Hurts like a ***** though, not to mention the scar) though dragging it on asphalt at high speeds (road rash) comes in a close second......... Next

4eyed zombie2007-12-09T09:31:10Z

Favorite Answer

Flesh eating disease. Its funky, painful AND exotic :-P




Home Based Tattoo Removal


I am in favor of the road rash method however an alternative would be to hire a helicopter, tie the victim of the bad tattoo up with heavy duty suspension wiring, properly exposing the offensively tattooed body part, and then gently lower them into a volcano for about..... hmmmmmm .....maybe two seconds.

Then power out of there to the hospital's heli landing pad and immediately have a body part transplant of the now missing section. That should do it. Oh, then there would be a new canvas for another tattoo!


Remove Any Tattoo Easily -

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