In your own words, explain the difference between a debate and an argument?


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They're the same.


People have just come to associate the word "debate" with "good" and the words "argument" and "argue" with "bad".


If the context is informal, the two words can be used interchangeably. As a lot of people above have said, an argument can also be little more than a squabble but it is not always the case that feelings run high in an argument. An argument can be calm, reasoned and dispassionate.

In a formal context, what takes place is debate, which will be time limited (or limited to a number of words if in writing). A debate will usually involve a number of arguments.


H'Satan is from Judaism. It means, "The Adversary". He never rebelled. He was always under God's controll. He was the prosecuting attorney, the sounding board, the guy who God could talk to, who would not be a "yes" man. See the Book of Job. Lucifer was a pagan God, the Morning Star. A bright and beneficent deity. As Christianity took over the Roman Empire, many pagan entities, like Lucifer, or Pan, were demonized. A separate mythology grew up, based on passages in some of the books of the Hebrew Prophets, the Lucifer was a rebellious angel, who chose to rule in Hell rather than serve in Heaven.


A debate always has a winner.

In an argument - everybody loses.

Rock Lee2007-12-07T10:19:29Z

a debate is where u argue your side to a third party that will listen and choose which side has a stronger point of view. an argument is just between 2 or more party's that express their differences of opinion.

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