What action can be taken in this case?

A man who is running for Mayor locally has begun a telemarketing campaign where he is calling every single local number he can get his hands on and leaving his "vote for me!" voice mails to everyone.

I have called back the number that comes up on my caller ID and it goes straight to a voice mail. I have left numerous messages on there telling them to take my number off their list, that it is a private number, it is on the National Do Not Call List, and that it is a cell phone which means I am the one paying for their wasting of my minutes to check and erase my voice mails.

They have been calling for weeks, several times a day leaving these messages, and will not stop even after MANY requests to do so.

(If this helps, it is the "Rick Reed For Mayor" campaign in Fort Pierce, FL.)


Favorite Answer

1. Don't vote for the guy. Vote for his opponent.
2. Write a letter to the newspaper complaining about his tactics and the invasion of your privacy.
3. I don't think the national do not call list applies to politicians. Only to corporations that you are not currently doing business with.


Block the number on your phone, if you have that feature.