My son who is 16 and has Down Syndrome wants a cell phone. I have a corporate phone so I can not to a plan.?

I want to purchase him a pay as you go phone. Here are my concerns:
1. can we chose a simple number for him to remember?
2. are there any camera pay as you go phones so I can save a picture by the preson's name?
3. What are the best plans, and do minutes expire if not used within a certain number of days after activation?


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I, my wife, and my daughter use TracFones. I buy the one year card for me. It's good for one year, provided you don't burn thru the minutes (250 if you go to and look for bargains around certain holidays). For my daughter, I buy 60 minute cards (which, again, are doubled if you buy them right) to teach her responsibility, and to see how much time she burns . She has gotten quite good at minding her minutes, because if she runs out too fast, SHE buys them!
Tracfone does have camera phones, but the picture is very small (my wife has one). On the cards that are minute cards (not the one year cards) the cards expire in 30 or 60 days (or more- I forget)- depends on the quantity of minutes you buy.

I don't know if you can name a picture or not. I believe you have to take the number they assign you unless you already have one to transfer.

The other phone that is intriguing is the Jitterbug ( It's marketed for the older set, but the big buttons might be nice for one with impaired vision (or big fingers!) Check them out for what they offer.
Good luck. I think it's a good idea for him to have one. Teaches responsibility, and can be a lifesaver!




The Virgin Mobile Wild Card has a camera. If you look around on the internet, or call around at local cell phone dealers or retailers, you'll find there are others. Minutes will expire after a certain number of days, used or not, under a pay as you go plan. The number of days varies anywhere from 30 days to one year. It will be listed on the back of the cards or on the website you buy the plan from, and will also be listed on the phone itself in some form accessible through a "My Account" type button. Some phones even show the date new minutes will need to be added on the front screen. His phone number will always be inside the phone after it's given to him, but you will also want to write it down when it's given to him. Maybe even tape it on the phone somewhere....

I'd say shop around....


There are pay as you go phones that only allow the input of 4-5 numbers. All he would need to remember is that Mom is #1, Dad is #2 and so on. Most of the plans are fairly similar, but shop around for what fits you best.


The number is given to you you need to write it down somewhere or find a good way for him to remember. And first use a company that works best in your area. Some just don't work well in certain towns and counties.

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