How to keep my van from getting f*cked up by someone with a key?

I need to keep someone who has a key to my '98 Plymouth Voyager van from making it undrivable by me!
The person in mind has more car knowledge than me, and their goal would be to either make it so I can't drive it anywhere, or to steal it completely WITHOUT f*cking it up so bad that they can't sell it. I can put a "club" on the wheel, but I can't afford to get all the locks changed!
If I could just prevent them from getting to the stuff under the hood, that might work. They won't tow it with a club on it because it will damage the van, and plus their finances are limited also so there would be nothing they could do (?) They have been here once before and taken some important fuse out so it wouldn't start, and it was weeks before I could get a ride to go buy another $30 part! I need that van for work and I don't know what to do. Suggestions welcome!


I have always heard it's expensive to change the locks, with labour and such. Do you know how much it would cost? That's five locks to do, but you're right, I wouldn't have to do the ignition then!
Towing it with a club on WON'T mess it up, because the wheels can't turn?! (They wouldn't bust a window, it's not worth that much to begin with. Their target is me, or the money.)


Favorite Answer

Just change the locks in the doors. It is fairly cheap, and just leave the ingition the same. That way somebody else cannot open the doors. This way you will just have a different key to open the doors, but the original key to start the van.

Use the club on the steering wheel anyway. Even if this other person gains access inside by busting out a window or whatever, they still can't drive it.

Don't know what your talking about it not being towed if it has a club... The van could easily be towed even if it does have the club, and the parking brake is set, or anything else you can think of.


wow........... apart from telling the cops. If your van is parked somewhere visible to your house why not get a web cam so it views your van well. then if said person attacks/messes with it, you have it all on record, there is plenty of cctv software available. hope that helps.

dxb falcon2007-12-11T02:58:31Z

install the security system and if u dont has that much money to pay thn forget ur car


isolation switch