setting up a quarantine tank ...HELP....?

i have a fish tank where the fishies are suffering for ick and so i have decided to set up a quarantine tank for the other fishies im goin to buy. however i was ajust wondering how i could do this as my fishes are tropical fish such as guppies and neon tetra and they need a heater but i only have one for my current tank and i dont really wont to bu another.
2. my current tank is infected so how do i set up a quarantine tank where will the good bacteria come from?
3. wont this tank need to cycled?

please help by giving me any other advise on how to go about setting up a quarantine tank.


Favorite Answer

You do not seem to be prepared to set up a quarantine tank, so you may as well treat your main tank especially since ich infestations spread through the entire tank.

(2) You can use a seasoned sponge filter
(3) most definetely as ammonia poisoning will only make your problem worse

I recommend reading this article from the site I get most of my aquarium info:

Also this one which has info about baths and quarantine:

I wish you luck


Your best bet is to go ahead and purchase a heater and small sponge filter. If you have multiple fish in the tank that have ich, slowly raise the water temperature to around84-86 degrees. Preferably over the period of a couple days. Add aquarium salt at approx 1 tsp per gallon. Keep the temperature up for a week or two. This shortens the life cycle of the ich and allows treatment without any medications. As far as the tank needing cycled, I keep a spare sponge filter in one of my tanks just for situations like this. You can treat the water, install the heater and the seeded filter and have an instant hospital/quarantine tank.


Well having dealt with ich before, my advice would be to wait to get the new fish(takes a while to get rid of it) and treat your whole tank with either products they sell in fish stores or what actually worked for me is fish salt doesn't cost much but work really well.First and most important when dealing with ich is the raise the temp 80-82 cause ich can't survive in that temp but your guppies and stuff will as for the salt depends who you ask i used about 1tbs a day (in 5gal tank) for the 3 days waited, day 4-7 do nothing, 8-10 change 50% water daily to remove salt since it stays in tank, some is good but not too much, signs of illness probably disapear around day 3-5, but keep treatment going cause the parasite drops off the fish swims around for a while and then goes back on him, so will come back. and after the 10 day ordeal slowly bring temp back down and wait at lease a week before adding new fish since it takes a while to be sure it's really gone
Hope this helps
Good luck


installation a quarantine tank is in simple terms comparable to installation the same old tank. you would be ultimate to anticipate the 6 weeks, and additionally examine with the save you purchase from for their innovations and quarantine strategies. The tank would would desire to be taken care of with something.


Here are three links that will help you understand more about quarantine tanks.

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