For our Atheist friends struggling with Christmas.?

Not quite thirty years ago I was a Mormon missionary in Japan. For two years I participated in social and cultural events with deep Shinto and Buddist roots. I was surrounded by helpful frienly people commited to helping me understand the religious significance of every detail. yet I came away with a deep love of the people, language, culture and history. My point - it is posible to be surrounded by people with vastly different belief systems and still have a good time. Relax. Respond to "Merry Christmas" with "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" or "Have a Cool Yule" if that gives you comfort. In less than two weeks you can go back to chiding believers for not living up to their own standards. Be happy. How about it?


This post was prompted by an Atheist who posted this morning with his knickers in a definate twist. My original post was sincere but in hindsight I realized that it had the potential to be a major Grinch net. Imangine my astonishment when so many of you responded so gratiously with a display of meticulously untwisted knickers. Thank you for suprising me.

Marc P, Fundie's Bane2007-12-13T11:35:34Z

Favorite Answer

Have a happy winter solstice!


I do not strugle with christmas, It isnt about religion anymore. It is all bout what we are going to get or give so have fun with it. thats what I do I dont go to church or anything like that but I do partake in the joy of this time of year. People are better even if it is only for a short time. I see a little humanity in everyone during the holiday season and that is what I celebrate. So if some one says Merry Christmas, happy hollidays, or Seasons Greetings I repay the favor for any other time of the year, it would be move, hurry up, or get out of the way. I embrace this holiday season because for what ever your religion, people are more loving for just a couple of months


I have no problem with Christmas. If someone wants to wish me a Merry Christmas that's fine by me, just as people sometime wish me a happy Hannaka or a Happy Divali.

I don't take offence at someone wishing me a pleasant holiday of any description.

What does offend me is:-
+ religionists using christmas to preach to me about something I neither believe in nor am interested in... to me that's just plain rude
+ christians claiming that christmas is an entirely christian celebration - December 25 has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual date of the birth of a very ordinary human being who was stupid enough to get himself nailed to a stick (which didn't happen at Easter either).

The pagan mid-winter celebration pre-dates christianity by hundred of years and the fact that it is now a "christian" festival symbolises all that is wrong with christianity - people were not permitted to practice their own beliefs but were coerced and frightened into the beliefs of christians, often changing forever the societies and social structures that previously existed. This is true right across the world wherever interfering religionist missionaries poison the ancient - and just as equally valid - beliefs of ancient peoples.

Christmas for christians should be a time when they hang their heads in shame


I'm an Atheist and I still celebrate Christmas because it is part of western culture. It it a public holiday and a good time to spend with family. And it's not just about receiving presents, I like to give presents too.


As an atheist, I do not struggle with christmas, only with trying to keep the Yule tree ornaments from finding their way into floor courtesy of my children. I do, though, love the smell of pine or fir in my home.

Interesting how you required Shinto and Buddhism in order to strengthen a self declared apparent lack in your christianity. Perhaps you should make a switch and see if that belief system will have a profound positive impact on your psyche and Id. And perhaps you can cease assuming "we" atheists are struggling with things.

Happy Yule.

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