Repair roof on metal storage shed?

A recent wind storm sent a branch smack through one of the panels on the roof of my new metal storage shed, making a hole about 8" long by 6" wide. Any ideas on what I can do to repair it would be greatly appreciated. I'm not looking forward to spending another $700.00 to replace the entire thing.


Thanks for all the great answers so far! How am I going to pick one that's "the best" since they're all so good?


Favorite Answer

buy some galvanized metal roll flashing, cut a big enough piece to cover the hole with at least 2 inches of coverage all around the hole. run a bead of silicone caulk around the perimeter of the piece of flashing .stick the flashing caulk side down over the hole and screw it in place with galvanized sheet metal screws . enough to hold the flashing nice and flat until the caulk can dry.




Aluminum Storage Shed

stanly s2007-12-13T14:04:20Z

Storage shed roof used standard delta rib for the panels?
Replace panel or take another piece of panel that is cut to size, put roofing cement on all edges, then screw down with roofing screws.


Here's another patch idea:
Lowe's sells small pieces of thin sheet metal. Get a piece of aluminum that's the right size.
Metallic tape is amazing stuff. Again, Lowes. It's used for sealing ductwork and gutters. The adhesive is stable in the weather and it lasts a long, long time. Get a roll of metallic tape to stick the patch plate in place. Apply several overlapping passes of the tape on each side, smoothing it down well. Careful with it, though. The adhesive is really, really sticky.

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