Is there anyway of loading sitemap code(html) for each page on the website.?

For example: currently site map has: home, contact, information. Eventually you add links to the site map. Is there anyway for this code to be changed in one file and it is applied to all the pages?


Favorite Answer

if your using dreamweaver yes its possible... you can do this with templates in dreamweaver but you will have to upload the pages...

in another way lets say you have this html page

------------------you need this code in the body for include------------

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="menu.js">


----------------------------------this is the menu.js---------------------

document.write("<a href='home'>home</a>");


you can add the data in the js page and the include script in the other html pages.



The simplest way of creating and maintaining your website is to use a sitemap generator. This is a program that you upload to your websites hosting server and it will create the sitemap in the appropriate formats that include XML, ROR, Text, HTML and .GZ zipped file. The value in using a sitemap generator of this nature is that you can setup a scheduler to automatically run the sitemap at any frequency you desire (e.g. once a week on Saturday’s at 3 a.m.). Upon completion of the process it will then ping Google and Yahoo to inform them the sitemap has changed. They will also provide you a web based interface for any maintenance such as checking on broken links.

Sitemap generators can be found for free, as a manual process for free that you have to remember or you can spend a nominal fee of $15 and buy the version that will make the process work for you. If you consider that you are helping to facilitate getting your website’s pages indexed properly and on time by the search engines so you can generate revenue, the $15 investment is insignificant.

Here are some links that may be helpful:
(here you can purchase the automated version and it will help to customize your HTML version automatically too)
(you can get some details of how to add your sitemap to your Robots.txt file for the search engine spiders)
(submitting your sitemap to Google)
(you can get your API code here for the generator so it will ping Yahoo for you)

Submitting Your Sitemap to Other Locations<domain>.com/sitemap.xml<domain>.com/sitemap.xml

We are in the process of writing a article on this so we had much of this information handy for you.

Hope this helps.


continually think of from the travellers perspective, you recognize what's there in each and every internet site, however the customer donot. Any consisting of website map is nice thought, why becaz now it have in basic terms 5 pages, in destiny if it go up then u would desire to comprise website map