How can I start a class action lawsuit against PayPal?

I think PayPal is overly abusive of their power & extremely unfair. I wonder if PayPal has been sued before? Like most angry and pissed-off Vietnamese would say..."Du Ma !!!! " (pronounce Doo Mah).


I have registered a domain name of I hope this will be a site where all of us can go to and speak our piece of mind. It will probably take me some time to set it up, but I will make sure that it will be up and running.

David M2007-12-17T16:14:33Z

Favorite Answer

If you are serious, you need to start with a lawyer. If you get a lawyer, you don't need YA. If you are not serious, then why are you asking?

Red Velvette KY2007-12-18T03:33:13Z

It's been done.

And PayPal can be very unfair to many honest people. We've dealt with them in an unfair situation before and were not able to get a $600 dispute even listened to, much less resolved.

Another example;

and, just so you know you're not the only one;

Now, granted, some of these people are a bit...uhm...*mistaken in their beliefs* but, there are many honest people who have done nothing wrong who have been royally uhm...*treated badly* by PayPal.

Yes, with so many transactions, some will go wrong, but PayPal needs to be more proactive when it comes to complaints or concerns.

I wish you well.


I wish you would have given some examples.
I sell on ebay and I love PayPal although I feel they charge too much when you consider that they are owned by ebay and ebay charges so much too.
I think you can start a class action suit against any company if they are truly ripping off the public


I can't imagine. I am an Ebay seller and have used PayPal exlusively for years. There has never been any problem with it.. I accept the fees they charge and consider it the cost of doing business....and the convenience of using their process to collect payments and to make them prevents having to deal with bad checks, phoney money orders or credit card problems.

What's the problem anyway? Perhaps if you elaborated you might get some feedback.


Sometimes I think ebay rips me off w/ my seller fees. And 1 time I busted them when I was keeping good records. Yea, supposedly it was an error when they were updating their system, but I think it happens a lot to a lot of people, but they do it in small amounts, so most don't notice.
Oh, but to answer your question, I don't know if they've been sued before, I don't think so.

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