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This question has been asked and answer many times. Here are some links I got when searching for your exact same question. Please try this before you ask next time, you will keep your points and save everyone some time.
That's it. Go to websites, view the source from those sites, and learn by coping what other people do.
If you want to build dynamic pages that change depending on how people use the pages, you'll need to learn a language like PHP and MySQL. But don't start learning that until you have written a few HTML pages.
HTML is the only one you need. To make good sites, you'll need CSS, JavaScript, a server-side language like PHP, and a database like MySQL.
PHP & Javascript are used for making websites. MySQL are for databases. There are plenty more languages for making websites.
Jeffrey F
***Javascript for client side form validation and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is necessary for interactive sites.
***PHP is ONE option for dynamic websites.
***MySQL works with PHP as the backend storage for data making up your dynamic website.
You can find some great open source sites that only need installation and a little work to get going....JOOMLA, PHP-Nuke......among some of them
You should learn all three. It isn't difficult if you have a mind that learns.......remember JavaScript is for the client side, AJAX is both client and server, PHP is Server, MySQL is Server.......
This book is one source:
You may want to get a few "for Dummies" books too. The name can be insulting, but those books along with the "complete idiots guide" books are awsome if you need to fully understand something without having to read books that ASSUME you know a little bit or even alot-abit.