seriously stumped on this math- trig/geometry?

Geometry problem


if a right triangle has a side that equals 54 degrees, and the other side equals 90

does the hypotnuse equal 36 degrees


if a=54 and a2=54^2 which would be 2916, and b2=90 and 90^2=8100, and 2916+8100=11,016, and the square root of 11016 is rounded up to 10, then where did this formula fail us? perhaps we have just made a mathamatical breakthrough... lol


Favorite Answer

this question is interpreted incorrectly as the sides of a triangle are measurements of distance and not degrees. but i will assume that you are required to find the 3rd angle in a right triangle.. all right triangles when the three angles are added together have a 180 degree total, therefore with the info given 180-54-90=36. the answer is A


Sides aren't measured in "degrees". Angles are.
All triangles contain 180 degrees. If you have 54 and
90 degrees, then the missing angle is 180-(90+54)
which is A:36 degrees.
How's that for a mathematical breakthrough? lol


Answer A) 36

Any kind of Triangle has a total of 180 degrees.