Did Westbrook's kneel-down cause anyone to lose their game?
When Brian Westrbrook took a knee at the goal line instead of running up the score on Dallas at the end of the game, did anyone lose their Fantasy game because they didn't get the 6 points? On Monday Night Football they showed the replay and one of the announcers mentioned that, while that was very unselfish of Westbrook, he probably has a lot of fantasy geeks mad at him now. I just wondered how many people it really affected.
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It did not affect me. However in the other side of the playoffs this guy who talks a lot of smack did loose his game b/c of the kneel down. We were all happy to see it happen. He lost by 4 points and Westbrooks TD would have put him over the top and in the Finals. He was pissed.
No but I'm in a point league and that extra 6 points would have made a huge difference. I got excitied when i saw him break through a couple tackles and had a clear path to the endzone, but then he just fell down and that was kind of upsetting. Thats how Fantasy sports are though, never know whats gonna happen.
It was a smart move and allowed then to run out the clock. I am sure the last thing on his mind was fantasy football. It was beating the best NFC team in Dallas.
it helped me. My opponent had westbrook, and him not scorring got me into the championship game. I won by a longshot in the leagues i had westbrook in, so it didn't matter.