Why does Mt. Dew look like urine?

ATTENTION all serious people. This is a *joke question*


Favorite Answer

The better question is - Why does urine look like Mountain Dew?



Ever hear the rumor that the yellow #5 food coloring in Mt. Dew causes your nuts to shrink?

I ♥ Yahoo, So Stop Suspending Me2007-12-21T06:38:49Z

Haven't you seen the Slurm Episode of Futrama where the big slug slops some of her sluggy goodness into a can of Slurm, pretty much the same thing, only it is Camel urine, mixed with sugar.

cupkeasy 20002007-12-22T08:11:31Z

cause when mt dew is hot that is pretty much probaly what it taste like


I am going to flag u for making a urine reference. HOW DARE YOU write something i dislike!!

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