Tips to quit being a suck-up?

I'm a suck-up. Hey, I'm not denying it.

I am very, very polite always even to people I hate, I smile all the time, apologize when it's not my fault, agree with opinions I oppose, and tell people what they want to hear to get them to like me.

I've tried to be less nice, but it's become such a habit.

Any tips to stop being this way?

(I'd be grateful for any help at all except "seek counseling to raise your self esteem")


Favorite Answer

Be nice -be you.
I am lovely and proud of it.


Maybe you should start off slow, like just not giving any opinion at all instead of agreeing when you don't mean it, and just sort of ignoring people you don't like instead of being polite (you should not ever be impolite anyways).
It's great to be nice, but you've got to have a backbone too. If you don't ever voice your own opinion or thoughts, then nobody will ever know the "real" you, so what would be the point in a relationship that you are so fake in?
Sounds like you are pretty young; the older you get, the less you will care about what others think about you.. Because you learn that life is too short to worry about what everyone else thinks about you. You also learn that unfortunately you're not the center of the universe and other people are rarely even thinking about you anyways. I guess what I mean is you need to realize that you're always agreeing with people and trying t get them to like you is not as important as you think it is.
I hope that makes sense, lol...


What is wrong with being nice to people? It's a strange world we are coming to, when people actually post questions on how to be less nice. The world would be a better place if everyone could be polite.


People can take your "very, very polite" attitude to mean something else. I tend not to trust people like that. Be honest with yourself. Stand up for yourself, but pick and choose your fights.


You're actually doing the smart thing, unless it means you're being taken advantage of. I see no reason to get into conflicts with people unnecessarily. Use that niceness to your advantage but don't let them suck the life out of you.

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