Rich GUY or LOVING guy?

Rich Guy - Selfish arrogant

Loving Guy - Poor



Favorite Answer

nnooo,loving guys can be wealthy too.


Rich Guy hoping someone or something changed my life so I was no longer selfish and arrogant. Then I could be a nice guy, a loving guy with money.Somebody has to do it!


I would choose love because riches are fun for as long as it is fun to be rich and then it is only means for buying a diverision to distract from the real feelings of depression, loneliness, bitterness, just to name a few..... Love is the foundation of everything that is good and pure.
Love is what everyone wants
Love is what everyone needs
Love is what God has for everyone
God is Love


Loving Guy...but his Love is what's Rich...


Loving guy, possibilities are of becoming rich in future but a selfish arrogant, howsoever rich can't be loving.

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