Can I apply for a Social Security number even if I only have an H-4 Visa?
My wife is working here in Florida as a Physical Therapist and she has an H1B Visa while I am her dependent that's why I only have an H-4 Visa which is not valid to work. Can I apply for a Social Security Number? What should I do?
Fred S2007-12-24T14:30:53Z
Favorite Answer
Actually, you can apply for a card. Being approved is another matter. When it comes to Social Security, If you are not a U.S. citizen or do not have current lawful, work-authorized immigration status, you MUST prove that you have a valid non-work reason for requesting a card.
If you are a "Legal Alien Not Allowed to Work," you must provide a document from a U.S. Federal, State, or local government agency that explains why you need a Social Security number and that you meet all of the requirements for the U.S. government benefit.
NOTE: Not all U.S. State or local benefits are acceptable for non-work SSN purposes. Contact SSA to see if your reason qualifies.
If you are "Other," you must provide a document from the U.S. government agency that explains why you need a Social Security number and that you meet all of the requirements for a Federal benefit except for the number.
RE: Can I apply for a Social Security number even if I only have an H-4 Visa? My wife is working here in Florida as a Physical Therapist and she has an H1B Visa while I am her dependent that's why I only have an H-4 Visa which is not valid to work. Can I apply for a Social Security Number? What should I do?
No you can not apply for a SSN on a H4, what you need to do is apply for a ITIN. When your wife does the taxes she should file as head of house hold with you using the ITIN number for you, if you have any children you can apply for them to have a ITIN as well
Edit ~ Fred a some years ago all legal immigrants were able to apply for a SSN and a statement was placed on the card saying "not valid for work etc". However in recent years this has changed (in my state this is the case) and you had to be eligible got work basically to get one.
On a H4 this is not the case, so a ITIN has to be used in place for a driving license, bank account, etc also if you used an immigration lawyer you may need a letter from them to prove your valid status along with your paperwork, in reference to opening a bank account. Once the person on the H4 visa has work authorzation card usually though a green card application then the SSN can be applied for and is granted at that point.