I have violated policy again!?

I posted (merry christmas) in both fishing and hunting and had both removed because they violated policy so here's to being the bad boy of all!


no blog! ok was it so bad to have to remove saying merry christmas then!


To all of you here that come to y/answers to have fun learn or give advice peace and have a great New Years.
I think very highly of many of you here and have enjoyed my time here with you all.Thank you for being so kind!

pheasant tail2007-12-26T11:32:34Z

Favorite Answer

The only policy you might have broken was trolling for Sea Monkeys out of season.

I don't get it...... here was a question that was posted:

"If you could have a conversation with a famous person (living or dead), whom would you choose?"

Here was one person's answer - and IT wasn't deemed offensive nor was it removed:

"The unrepentant thief crucified next to Jesus - I'd ask him if the supposed son of a supposed god squealed like a ***** as he was nailed...to the cross "

That answer WASN'T deemed offensive, and yet saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" is offensive ??!!!

Offensive to who ???
I'm offended when people say "Holiday tree" instead of Christmas tree, I'm offended when people say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.....really, I am.
I am tired of being pushed around for MY beliefs,
and I've got news for you, my beliefs are shared with by the MAJORITY of people in this country, yet we the many
make concessions to the few.

The last time I checked our LAWS are BASED on the
10 Commandments

The last time I checked, not too long ago in the past most all buisnesses were CLOSED on Sunday because it was a day of faith and worship.

What is this world coming to ??

Anyway, 'tis the season.....Merry Christmas !!!

Feel free to report me if you find my answer offensive.

fisherman 782007-12-27T16:37:58Z

Merry Christmas to you too and Happy Holidays.

Yahoos worried about getting sued or something from the religious radicals out there. just like in schools today where you cant have a poster that says happy holidays or Merry Christmas because it might "offend" someone of a different religion or race.

Eddie O2007-12-27T03:07:04Z

OK note to self .... No wishing everyone here a
Merry Christmas .
Wounder what would happen if I said
Happy New Year !!
Well Ill just sit here and wait and see what happens.


It was probably a scrooge who was being grumpy that reported you. Why don't you try posting "Did you have a Merry Christmas?". I cannot see how that question would be a violation, and even though the category is questionable, posting to the wrong category is not an automatic violation. http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/answers/abuse/guidelines-03.html
Good luck :-)
Yes, I had a Merry Christmas, and hope you did as well :-)

Swamp Zombie2007-12-26T23:58:59Z

Yeah, Don't feel bad. I got my "Merry X-mas" Q ejected too!

I will take this space to wish Ingun and all the "regulars" a Merry, Merry!

You guys/gals are "tops" in my book. I always look forward to seeing what you guys will say and talk about!

Have a good one!

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