dont u just hate the way Green is being used?

Green is something that if u like that color its supoose to be your color.
now im not tryin to hate on those environmentalist that work really hard to make this world a cleaner place but i just hate how they would use it for their campaigns and their catchy phrases. "Go Green" this and "Go Green" that. y cant they leave that color alone!! why not just use eco-friendly or sustainable? wutz worse is its even getting to where corporations are using that word for their advertisment. i dont know but does anybody else feel the same way?


LMAO Stephan K your funny
no no i can assure u this is not an Anti-Irish question and I am not an undercover leprechaun I just feel that a color should be exploited for a campaign or marketing gimmick. I just feel like green is not just a color anymore that people can just like but used jus to sell a product.


Favorite Answer

Ya what if it was "Go plants"

why not?

Steve C2007-12-27T05:00:10Z

Your much beloved color is being used in a way that seems cheesy and disrespectful to you. Just ignore it. To them green is just a word that best suits their need for convenience and conciseness. Green as you know it will continue to exist and make glad the heart of its faithful proponents, regardless of the ignorance of those who never got it any way and never will. The word "green" is something much more than a word to you and your kind. Perhaps that is what angers you. It's use is so flippant. It is much more than just a word to anyone who has half a brain capable of acknowledging that. If they want to be stupid you feel they should find some other quarter to display their porcine refinement.


Plants are green.A health environment like a rain forest or a beautiful meadow is green.If I buy a hybrid car it is said to be a green vehicle,weather i choose black blue red or what have you.Language develops in strange and mysterious ways,but green is shorter and easy to say compared to Eco-friendly or sustainable.These terms are in use however ;when specifically applicable.Orange =Syracuse,blue=sad,yellow=coward.Overall it is no big deal and you should get over it.


The usage you refer to is called a metonymy. Ironically enough, the figure is used for the sake of economy, but not for big business.
Now, did I detect some underlying ANTI IRISH PROPAGANDA in your prose, or on the contrary, are you an undercover leprechaun who feels his favorite colour is being misused?


for me every time I look a green color it represents clean and reminds me of the jungle and forest back in my hometown so green is just a representation of forest so this is just ok for me to represent the green color as eco friendly

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