Veterans Category in Yahoo! Answers!?

Another person here in Yahoo suggested that we have YA! include a seperate section for Veterans. There's one for the military, which is great, but for the massive percentage of Veterans seeking advise on disability, education, etc - we would like to see this category added!!

Please STAR this question is you are in agreement!


geez, I'm sorry...the above should read "IF you are in agreement"....

it's too early in the morning lol!

Sgt Big Red2007-12-27T05:10:56Z

Favorite Answer

I agree and thanks for helping me promote this idea. I have contacted Yahoo powers that be and await their answer.

The military section is great, but there are too many questions asked over a short period of time, so rather than search all questions other than those affecting veterans, I felt it would simplify things by having a separate section.

And most of the ?'s on military are repeated over and over i.e. why are we in Iraq, which branch is best, which one should I join cause i like shooting etc etc.

P.S. too bad I didn't think of the "staring" system.


I'll 22nd that motion. It will be a benefit because since I do not have time to go through all the open questions hunting for a credible question that I am qualified to answer. I have to keep an active search for PTSD and "Post traumatic stress", in order to participate. With a new category of question I would probably see a lot more I am interested in. Good Work Sarge!

JUAN FRAN$$$2007-12-27T23:01:44Z

Yeah I would like to see that as well. I am sure most other veterans will also like having a separate section for veterans.


yeah..i agree......the veterans have their different problems...its different from the youngsters.but sometimes we youngsters can give much better advice do get a separate section.......
and may good veterans get included.ya u people need a lot of privacy and own kind of support only a veteran can provide....
thumbs up for this

Marine till Death2007-12-27T17:20:45Z

Excellent idea! But you know we would still get some off base people posting in it. But I am behind the idea.

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