Grammar curriculum recommendations for elementary age?

Although I've been at this a long time, I still have not found a grammar curriculum that suits our family. We are currently using one I picked up at a homeschool curriculum fair last spring. It is called Junior Analytical Grammar. I think if I had more personal knowledge about grammar rules, I would be fine with it (I'm a science and math type). However, it doesn't have enough to guide me (the teacher). Perhaps I just was never taught that during my own education, perhaps I have forgotten. My children read, write and speak very well, but I feel they would benefit from some "book learning" on this topic.

I've heard great things about Winston and Shurley Grammar. Do any of you homeschoolers have any feedback on those or other programs?

Dawn A2007-12-29T04:16:00Z

Favorite Answer

I've just ordered Winston Grammar after using Easy Grammar for a year. Easy Grammar is good but what I like about Winston is that it's not simply a workbook approach and involves more than simply workbook time. If I had extra money I'd try Cozy Grammar which has video lectures that seem pretty engaging. For more information try and search for Winston Grammar.

I'd definately say try Winston. Most reviews I've read say that it's not only effective but also fun. It's not expensive either so if it doesn't work out you're not out much.


There are many good programs out there that do teach the concepts thoroughly.
We use Christian Liberty Press; they use Abeka, Bob Jones, and then their own program.
They are much less expensive than buying it from other companies, and they pick the best of these to be included in their selection.
Check their grade level recommendations, and go from there.
We start using Application in Grammar around ages 11, or 12; I believe that would be traditionally your 6Th grade level.
I have heard many good comments about Easy Grammar, but we have never used it.
For writing we include Write Shop.


It sounds like you have done your homework on homeschooling by doing the deschooling. The curriculum choice can be overwhelming. We had help in our choices due to our resources. We could afford used books, online resource and library resources. My son learns best with audio/video. We use some PBS programs of online classes. Anyway, just wanted to encourage you. The standardized testings help encourage me. I sometimes get discouraged and can pull out the standardized test scores and realize that we have made progress. And, I 'don't feel story for your son' as the previous post said. He's going to be all right! (smile)


I enjoyed Cozy Grammar when I wan in 5th grade. My 6th grade sister enjoyed it also, but my fourth grade sister did not like it very much. But the retired english teacher's home ( the lady who teaches the grammar in the dvds) in Canada is beautiful, and she uses her home and yard to teach grammar. She also has another one where she goes on a road trip to famous places while teaching grammar which I have not used but also sounds fun.
This year we are using copywork which you can learn more about at

Ms. Phyllis2007-12-31T18:07:31Z

I don't know the ages of your children, but Bob Jones University Press has very good, comprehensive "English" books that include a Teacher's guide. Here's a link to a site that sells their books:

I hope this is helpful.

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