Caffeine headaches?

Does anybody else get headaches when you miss your usual, daily amount of caffeine? I drink a pot of coffee every morning, and, if I am unable to have that caffeine, by later in the day, I get severe headaches. On Thursday, I was fighting the flu, so I skipped my morning coffee. By 3 pm, I had a horrible headache, concentrated in the back of my head, which I could not get rid of. If I sneezed or coughed, it really shot pains in my head. Advil and Tylenol did not relieve it. My knees also got very achy, and the pain relievers did not help. These problems were unrelated to the flu, because prior to missing my caffeine, Advil did relieve my headache. Does anybody else experience this? If so, where are your headaches centered? Can you describe the headaches?


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If I have to go caffeine-less for more than a half day, I will have a BLINDING headache right above the eyes. I feel like I am getting the flu, with body aches and sluggishness.

I do mammograms for a living, and although there is a thought process out there to cut caffeine for the mammogram, I never ask it of my patients (I let their doctor tell them) because I don't want them coming in feeling like I do with a caffeine hangover.


Caffeine Headache

ms know it all2007-12-29T14:27:02Z

About 10 years ago I was told by my doctor that I had to stop drinking/eating any type of caffeine. For 2 weeks straight I had major migraine headaches.


i used to get those headache, its focused in the front and sometimes my body hurted. I just drank coffee to feel better and it worked. I then started to see that it was a problem and started drinking 1 cup less every two days. Im fine now and no longer get those headaches if i miss my morning coffee. Its a horrible feeling otherwise.


Every person has different constitution hence different requirements. Probably you have cough and caffine without sugar is the best remedy to treat cough!
Pl try simple acupressure given below for immediate relief. For cure you will have to follow acupuncture.

There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for RA, OA, Back ache and almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.

Acidity, WORRY, sadness, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; drug side effects, stress, bad smell, TV & COMPUTER SOMETIMES, Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy, BODY CONSTITUTION etc are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine &H/A confirms it.

Acupuncture is the best treatment.
I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.

Pain killers don't treat the pain but we loose the sense of pain for some time; in that duration our body itself treats sometime and credit goes to meds.
The useless drugs have tremendous power of side effects like liver/kidney failures, ulcer, inflammation of intestines and lot more.

Avoid late sleeping if possible; worry, tension, spicy foods, sour fruits, stale bakery foods, SMOKING and alcohole.
Sweet foods, COCOANUT WATER,sweet fruits, milk, rice, SPROUTS, SALADS and good sleep will help if cough is not there.

But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it is very strong.

If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.

For forehead/eye pain the points are in front of nails on the finger tips or 3-7 mm below.

It may disappear naturally too.

R.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

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