Why do we listen to Hollywood stars on politics?
If, by definition, an actor is a person who pretends to be someone he or she is not, for the purpose of pleasing others, then why would we listen to them and give them any credibility?
If, by definition, an actor is a person who pretends to be someone he or she is not, for the purpose of pleasing others, then why would we listen to them and give them any credibility?
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I guess for the same reason they listen to Oprah for what book to read.
Me, I do neither. I read what books I think will be interesting to me, and I vote for who I feel will be best for that job.
Bono, Jon Stewart, Gwyneth and Oprah are notably intelligentm persons, who've a cultivated opinion on politics and different matters (i don't be conscious of PDiddy), they have travelled, and labored on humanitarian initiatives for a great element of their lives, so they are not your nicely-known action picture star. yet to respond to your question, a great type of individuals hear to Bush approximately politics, that, to me, is like listening to Britney Spears.(provided that Britney would desire to randomly bomb worldwide places)
Well, the media loves them and therefore gives them a platform on which to spout off, which gets to the ear of many. However, I believe, most, like myself, may hear what they have to say, but do not listen to what is said.
Exactly in fact a few years ago a letter was posted with some of Hollywood's biggest mouths educations. The highest education any of them had was College drop out! Some did not even finish High School!! I am reminded of something I read Paul Newman said many decades ago. He was asked about the Political situation ( of that time) his reply was smartest thing I ever heard come from an actor. Not an exact quote but you get the idea. Mr. New said "Why you asking me I'm just an actor?"
Correct, actors are professional liars, they're even better at lying than the politicians.