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2 things...1 is disposable douche. Many women still douche and then you throw it away. Convenient and more hygienic. 2nd: doctors now say not to douche.
Douching is extremely unhealthy for the vagina. It's an area that keeps itself clean if it's just left alone. It doesn't need all this vinegar and garbage put into it. But I am is it that "as a kid" you know "almost all females" had douches? What, were you going from house to house looking in their bathroom cabinet?..
Well I sure cannot explain why "Almost all females had one". But yeah, I remember my mom had one and I always thought it was the most obscure thing! LOL
The reason women are not recommended to do it now is that is changes the vaginal flora. There are "good bacteria" in the vagina just like there are good bacteria in the gut. When you douche that balance is changed.
I do still have my patients use them RARELY if I test the vaginal pH and that is off. Typically it is recommended to use only vinegar and water.
lol Disposables. I thought douche bag is what every one calls their mother in law. sorry lol
Kay G
knowledge. douching changes the ph of the vagina which is unhealthy.