By mistake, I added windows outlook express. Now,how can I get it off my computer or cancel it?

Who Dares Wins2008-01-03T15:16:51Z

Favorite Answer

Start > Control Panel. Add/Remove programs. In the left hand pane Add/Remove Windows components. Untick Outlook Express. Click apply, click ok.



go to the control panel, open add/remove dialog, select microsoft office (whatever version you have) and click on the "change button", follow the wizard and make sure you uncheck "outlook", (not to confuse with outlook express) as they aren't the same.

Natasha T2008-01-03T23:19:29Z

"System Restore" always works for me. It will restore your computer back to how it previously was before you added or downloaded something. It won't mess with any files you have saved.

1. Go to Accessories
2. System Tools
3. System Restore
4. Follow Steps (restore by using the date before you installed the program)

I hope this helps!