Do you ever thumbs down an answer to your?


I NEVER thumbs down anyone who is kind enough to answer my questions...even if their answer isn't kind....

BOBBY B2008-01-05T09:31:50Z

Favorite Answer

I don't do it. I believe in Freedom of Speech!


I have to say that I am with Typeset on this one. I have no patience for haters or racists.

Other than that I am with you Sister! I always appreciate those who answer my questions and do give thumbs ups 98% of the time. On occasion someone says something totally off the wall or that doesn't answer the question in any way I may not do either ... but I would never "t-down" them because they are clueless or don't agree with me.

Hope you're having a great weekend!! =)

Peace to you ...



I agree with you. I don't like to give thumbs down especially to people who have answered my questions. They have to be beyond rude to just plain mean to get a thumbs down from me.


Only thumbs down if someone is blatently rude, otherwise I give thumbs up to everyone for answering (even if I don't like the answer).


I will thumbs down totally incorrect or irrelevant answers that are just point gaming and those that are offencive. As a rule, they are few and all others get a thumbs up.

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