How brave would they be...?
After reading the vitriol against Christianity in many replies to questions and questions themselves I have pondered the following. To those people that bad mouth, talk down to and speak ill of Christians, how brave would you be if you were in the middle east spouting your hatred against Allah? How brave would you be if your actual life were on the line for your speech? Remember the teacher and the teddy bear? They wanted her executed because one of her students named a teddy bear Mohammad. Are those that speak so badly about Christians only brave because they know Christians won’t kill them? I have seen it here so many times where ALL Christians are grouped together. Just because one supposed "Christian" did you wrong does not label us all as bad. How brave would they be if they knew them and their familes would be put to death because of their speech? They are safe here in the U.S., a country with a majority of Christians.
Corrosion EAC- I am in the US Military (USAF) and have had 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I await my next time in the sand box. How about you? I am a Civil Engineer and on the ground with the people daily.
Wolfechu- No were in my post did I say “ALL MUSLIMS”. You are drawing conclusions here and they are not correct friend. I understand the majority of Muslims are as peaceful as any other people in the world. They want to raise their families and kids just like we do. What I was referring to were the radical Muslim extremists.
prE4chER- While I don’t consider myself brave I consider the men I led brave. We battled terrorists and built cities. I go to the middle East so the rest of my fellow Americans won’t have to. I serve with honor.
©Uliju 2008- I did use “paragraphs” but once it was posted the spaces were deleted. Thanks for the notice.