How brave would they be...?

After reading the vitriol against Christianity in many replies to questions and questions themselves I have pondered the following. To those people that bad mouth, talk down to and speak ill of Christians, how brave would you be if you were in the middle east spouting your hatred against Allah? How brave would you be if your actual life were on the line for your speech? Remember the teacher and the teddy bear? They wanted her executed because one of her students named a teddy bear Mohammad. Are those that speak so badly about Christians only brave because they know Christians won’t kill them? I have seen it here so many times where ALL Christians are grouped together. Just because one supposed "Christian" did you wrong does not label us all as bad. How brave would they be if they knew them and their familes would be put to death because of their speech? They are safe here in the U.S., a country with a majority of Christians.


Corrosion EAC- I am in the US Military (USAF) and have had 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I await my next time in the sand box. How about you? I am a Civil Engineer and on the ground with the people daily.

Wolfechu- No were in my post did I say “ALL MUSLIMS”. You are drawing conclusions here and they are not correct friend. I understand the majority of Muslims are as peaceful as any other people in the world. They want to raise their families and kids just like we do. What I was referring to were the radical Muslim extremists.

prE4chER- While I don’t consider myself brave I consider the men I led brave. We battled terrorists and built cities. I go to the middle East so the rest of my fellow Americans won’t have to. I serve with honor.

©Uliju 2008- I did use “paragraphs” but once it was posted the spaces were deleted. Thanks for the notice.


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Unfortunately, there are many examples of hate and bigotry in this country. Just look at the titles of the questions here in the R & S Section. Jehovah's Witnesses what do you think of this? Jews only, why don't you accept Christ as your messiah, everyone else does? I hate all Muslim's because of the terrorism? Should Catholics go to hell?

I realize that this section does not represent a true cross section of the American public. But it scares the hell out of me. People who ask questions and only accept answers that agree with them. When people try to give good answers or opinions they are thumbed down.

I used to be a top contributor in R & S and finally decided that now I will only answer questions that mean something to me. I am a proud, 60 year old Jewish man who has seen to much bigotry, hate, and BS in one lifetime. I hope that people can understand that every belief or non-belief is the correct choice for that person and we don't need people who tell them that it is there way or the highway.


Many countries have had to enact laws to protect people from religious persecution and then surprisingly find they are having to be used on Christians!!

Whilst you are fighting to return peace and unity christian aid workers are actually threatening to destroy it by using aid to try and convert them.

Afghanistan's Islamic council has told President Hamid Karzai to stop foreign aid groups from trying to convert locals to Christianity "The council is concerned about these activities and considers such acts against Islamic sharia (law), the constitution, and political stability,"

Better make sure you have plenty of ammo !!!!!

Alex H2008-01-06T05:36:52Z

Oh trust me, I would never announce my atheism in the Middle East. I'm thankful that Christianity isn't such a primitive religion (although I sometimes wonder if some Christians would choose to harm me if we didn't have a secular democracy to protect us).

That's not going to stop me from questioning and criticizing it, if that's what you're getting at.

Oh, by the way, paragraphs are your friend. I might have actually been able to read that whole mess if you used them.


I wouldn't be the least bit interested in going to their backward countries anyway, While they live in my country I expect them to behave just like the rest of us do, how pathetic wanting to kill an innocent woman because one of her students called a Teddy Bear Mohammad...
I would have no qualms at all with dispatching such violent half-witted morons to their Allah...
BB... )O(


I'm not in the Middle East, and the Muslims are not the ones trying to destroy my secular republic. The Christians, however, are bent on a theocracy.

When I'm a guest in another country, I behave. But if a group of Muslims in America were as rude as you, I'd respond in kind.

The reason we are safe here is because of secular law, not because Christians would not kill us. They know the consequences, though I have had a gun pointed at me by a neighbor for being "a god d***ed atheist!" It is rule of law that ended Christian bloodshed, not your twisted view that your faith is a peaceful one. It was born of blood and continues to be bloody.

And why aren't you over there fighting, oh Yellow Elephant?

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