does anyone remember shante'?

a while back i had a contact named shante'. i think her account got deleted.
she was bi, blonde, beautiful, was a stripper and her avatar was her in a cowboy hat.
i think she was from lousiana

anyone remember her? does anyone know how to contact her? she was such fun and sweet person, i miss her

♥Mikey ® Angel VG♥2008-01-06T04:40:22Z

Favorite Answer

after reading the description you gave:she was bi, blonde, beautiful, was a stripper<----i'd say she prolly wasn't real honey.
course i've been wrong A LOT lately but that's just my guess. there'll be others for you to contact


People come,people go.thats life.move on and forget about her,she may come back but most likely she won't.