Are the CO2 readings NOAA takes in Hawaii tainted by the CO2 emissions coming out of China?

Do they test the CO2 anyplace else? Or is Hawaii the only place they test the air for the CO2 level?


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No, because there are no unexpected spiked or dips in the CO2 record from Mauna Loa in Hawaii. There is nothing random that would be related to shifting winds from China.

However, if you still distrust the atmospheric CO2 data from Hawaii, then there are plenty of other sampling stations, like this one on Antarctica:

Here are the results from eight other sampling centers. They all have similar results:


if the CO2 readings NOAA takes in Hawaii tainted by the CO2 emissions coming out of China i would be very worried because it is right in the middle of the ocean thousands of miles away from china and the US. so the plumes of CO2 gas would have to be spread out over most of the pacific ocean.

they do take other results such as in Antarctica, but Hawaii because of its remoteness and easy access makes it a good measure of CO2 concentrations.


If anything they are tainted from volcanic emissions off Hawaii. China is too far away and by the time anything has reached Hawaii it would be in the background level.



They measure CO2 in many places (website below with TONS of data). Looking at that data, it shows that the Mauna Loa data is more steady and less contaminated from short term emissions than most places.

And it's duplicated in many other places all around the Earth that are also relatively free from nearby sources. Pick one off the site that looks good to you, and check it out for yourself.

Here's data from Ascension island, in the middle of the South Atlantic. Compare it to Mauna Loa, last link.

The mountain of data supporting global warming climatologists is huge, so as to expose any contamination.

Old Grumpy Cranky2008-01-07T06:40:50Z

everything bad is CHINA'S FAULT