How does a Christian deal with hard-to-please boss(who also happens to be a Christian too)?

Its been an uphill task for years. I have been thinking about quitting. But I love this job and feel that but for this problrem, I would enjoy what am doing.

Lauren K2008-01-07T11:53:08Z

Favorite Answer

why does being christian affect this question?


It maybe nothing to do w/ur religious beliefs!! theres a lot of people that are just hard to please but on the flip maybe because of your convictions the boss may expect nothing short of spectacular from you!! I found out all to long ago my Dad was 1 that couldn't be pleased w/what his kids did some how in his twisted head he thought all the negativity would make us strive harder which I'm sure we did as kids but after that it just made us keep a sense that there was no longer a need to try cause whatever the out come it wouldn't be good enough !

Mrs. Kitty♥2008-01-07T19:57:49Z

I dont see why it has to do with anything that your boss is Christian too. If you enjoy your job then do the best you can do. Be the best towards your co workers and your job. Thats all you can offer a hard to please person, your best work.


Christ did not promise all Christians would be saints.

You were promised a cross.

Reflect and read both versions of the beatitudes.
Matthew and Luke.


Pray for him/her. Do your best; ask him/her specifically what they're looking for when they assign a task, and explain that it's because you want to do it the way they want it done. Keep your eyes open for an opportunity to transfer.

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