what's a good website for basic html projects?

i am a beginner at html coding but have a good amount of experience but i'm looking for a website that has projects of websites that makes someone expand their experience. on webmonkey.com i found some projects and they were awesome because they had examples and simple descriptions so that's the kind of thing i'm looking for.

1. basic tag use
2. compound layering
3. examples of sites (optional)


Elisa P2008-01-09T00:16:56Z

Favorite Answer

To expand your knowledge you need to work on some real life web projects, you may register at websites like http://getafreelnacer.com/ and bid for all web designing project.


Simple Html Projects


ya u can do that.. just learn some basic tags to strt with.. if u get interest den u can learn in just 3 to 4 days to create ur own website.. but the probs is html ll add only less graphics and flexibility to ur page.. so it ll be better if u use some additional options like stylesheets,java applets, jsp,..


W3 Schools is pretty good for that and other things.

Heres a link to their HTML section,



I like this one