How can you obtain water from ink, vinegar, and milk? if you know, please list the procedures.?

Abhijit Purohit2008-01-16T02:55:47Z

Favorite Answer

Distillation is most common method of removing water from any aqueous solutions or mixture. If temperature is a critical factor - if high temperature is destroying the important ingredient of material, vacuum distillation can be applied. Both this methods are applicable for ink, vinegar and milk to good extent.
For some of the applications Reverse Osmosis - popularly known as RO can be used. Some concentrated fruit juice and milk concentrates are now manufactured by this technique. The advantage is - it preserves most enzymes and nutrients in natural form as the system operates at normal temperature. Selection of RO Membrane is a very critical parameter.


Distillation will work in all cases although with vinegar 1st neutralise with sodium hydroxide otherwise acetic acid will distill over with the water.