Why do so many forums steal my answers from here and post them elsewhere?

I googled my login name (cplkittle) and found that now I am a member of a gardening forum, a honda forum, a nissan forum, a friends forum etc etc

They are all posts stolen from yahoo, and I am set up like a member of their forum. Is this part of Yahoo?

Here are some examples:

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2008-01-14T09:38:44Z

Favorite Answer

No, it is not a part of Yahoo or Yahoo Answers. These are sites that are using something like an RSS feed from a SEARCH on this site, to find questions and answers that pertain to their type of business. It is sneaky -- but I'm not SURE that it is illegal. I've pointed some of these out to YA and let them do what they wished with it. It's their call, really, if it is copyright infringement or not.