Fixing Heat Burns on Cherry Wood?

My fiance and I inherited a Heywood Wakefield table and didn't know that you couldn't use Pledge (the orange oil one). We had one meal there and used place settings but when we removed the settings a week later, we noticed the areas were all white. It looks like the finish is off right down to the grain.

Is there a way to fix this? We think we are going to have to completely sand it and refinish.


What if it is wax build-up coming to the surface? My dad said my grandma used linseed oil on it very liberally and a lot.


Favorite Answer

What happened is moisture got below the surface finish. Use place mats from now on. You could use linseed oil. The thin with this is that is has a smell to it plus its very flammable. So if you ever use it you need to dispose of the rags in a can of water. If not they can spontaneously combust. The spots will clear up over time. You can also buy a product called Howard's Restore a Finish. That you can wipe on. Then from there use their feed and wax. I have used it many times and it works well. Sanding the table down especially if it is cherry will lighten the top since cherry darkens with age. So if you do the top you have to do the whole table. The table will then go from that nice dark red to more of a pinkish red.


Sounds like the Pledge got cloudy. Try wiping table top with denatured alcohol (not rubbing alcohol) Then recoat with oil rub down


You are correct. You will have to redo the whole table to insure a nice job. they have strippers that you can apply with a paint brush and just basically wipe it away. A lot of work yes, but the results will be worth it