Hillary Clinton's campagain was in Prospect Park Brooklyn today? Is this a sign of desperation?

Being that this is HER state, doesn't it show she is desperate?

Dangerous Dad2008-01-12T16:27:04Z

Favorite Answer

No, every candidate should campaign in New York because it's large and important.
I'm willing to bet that every other candidate's campaign stopped in their home state. It would be foolish not to.


Bill whining for his campaign and her crying is pathetic and desperation. If any other candidate cried because their ratings dropped and thier wife whined publically that it isn't fair, that candidate would be laughed out of the race to be president. Hillary has had special treatment all along. For some reason she and her husband act like the 08 presidency is Hillary's entitlement.
One major concern I do have is that the GOP was right on target with how much of the votes all candidates will get except Hillary's percentage- is there any way to be checking that all her additional votes were made by viable (live American citizens voting only one time each) voters.


Just what we need another Hillery supporter pushing her. Just kidding. That is funny. I wonder who the fellow that heard it 15 years ago heard it in reference to. Anyway that's for the funny. Another Hileery basher, when will it stop, since she gets a different set of debate questions, I think youu have to get approve on her jokes also. I have seen Hitlery, Hiderbeast, last night Hillbilly, we need more. Take care.


Well..the thing is:
If one believes what is posted here at Y/A instead of the facts.
They are subject to belive just about anything and of course say anything that is popular in hopes of getting the best answer or moving up to the next level.



Uh, maybe she was just checking in with her constituents? She's a Senator, you know? If she said the sky was blue, y'all would run to Richard Scaife or Sean Hannity to make you up something that said it was green.

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