Does anyone have a proven home remedy to get rid of fleas?

We live in central Florida where nothing dies dues to the warmth. My dogs are outside dogs (due to size) and weve tried everything;flea soap, collars, medicine,pills. They only last a couple days and the fleas are back. There has to be an effective home remedy out here somewhere. We even put vinegar in the water. My dogs wouldbe eternally grateful for a fantastic proven method. Thank you very much


We have tried advantage and the weekly washings, etc and no luck. We have terrazo floors but the dogs stay outside with 3.5 acres so its hard to control the yard with something drastic. Nothing prescribed lasts more than a few days. We dont have thick grass like up north and like most of Florida,the yard is sand with no real lakes close around us. The dogs chose not be to be indoors so not an option, too big

Cavalier KCS mom2008-01-13T13:54:54Z

Favorite Answer

Garlic helps to get rid of fleas.


Believe me you haven't tried everything! In fact it doesn't sound like you've tried anything that's likely to work. Advantage was the most likely thing to work - but if you're washing the dog weekly, you'll be inactivating it.

Use Advantage regularly, or Frontline, Advantage or Revolution. Anything from a vets. But don't wash the dog - it takes off the natural oils of the skin, and then the Advantage or whatever can't spread through the skin and can't work. Make sure you get it on the skin of the dog, not his fur.

Flea collars are useless, so are any form of flea shampoo. Vinegar in water will do nothing. Fact is, fleas are a little too tough to be killed by things like this! Pet stores are also not licensed to sell the right stuff for flea treatment, so you can pretty much guarantee that any flea treatment you buy from a pet store is not going to work.

I also suggest you treat your home with a proper veterinary house spray. If you're treating both your home and your pets correctly, they and you should both be safe from fleas from the environment.



I live in the south, too, where heat and humidity helps fleas thrive. We've had great success with Advantage, the monthly flea medication prescribed by our vet. Not only do we apply this to her skin each month, but we take precautions with our surroundings, as well. It would be advisable for you to check with your vet about organic methods to eliminate flea infestation in your yard and house. Regular vacuuming is a must, if you have indoor carpet. Also, it is extremely important to wash your dog's bedding, towels, etc. in hot water at least once a week. This coupled with bathing your dog in a mild, medicated shampoo as recommended by the vet should work in alleviating your problem with fleas.


i live in south florida and have had problems with fleas. I would keep your dogs on flea preventative such as advantage or frontline. just because of the risk of heartworm and tape worms. I work at a vet, and i have heard some tricks to help treat your yard. what you do is get the cheap 666 fertilizer and build a thick perimeter around your fence then spray your yard i have used it on my yard and it seems to work. it also helps to switch back and forth with the flea preventatives because they almost become immune to it. the best things for your pets is to use medically approved remedies from your vet. hope this helps


Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

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