has any 1 had the same experience with capstar pills that my cat did? he nearly died or may die soon!?

my cat had taken 1/4 of a capstar pill, and he is currently in a vetrenerian's office and has coded ( nearly died) 1 time, if any1 has had the same experiance plz let me know, i need to know so i can show the vet how many mistakes he made


plz any1 tell me i must know


this is just depressing, it is 1-15-08 my cat just died and i want people who really love pets to watch this

I â?¥ my doberman2008-01-14T15:39:32Z

Favorite Answer

Im a groomer at a vet office and every animal that comes in gets a cap star...never had a problem..but ,,, why was he given 1/4 of one...maybe it was the wrong dose and they had to cut one for dogs??? hmm usually its a very tiny pill for cats and dogs under 20 pounds...you cant cut that into 1/4s ...hmmm

i counld nt find pics but about (...) <that big for A cat uder 25 lbs

and bout (......... ) for dogs over 25