So Pacman Jones did it again?

Why can't he stay out of strip clubs?

Looks like he went in a punched a person in the eye.

Looks like we got another M.Clarett.Sad a man with this much talent can not stay out of trouble.

Anyone still thinks he will get to play next year?


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A man that works all week and cant pay his bills or feed his children is sad. A young man in the prime of his life losing a limb in a foreign country for his country is sad. Jones saga is nothing more than pathetic, you shouldnt waste any words, time, or sympathy on an obvious thug!

Dr. Knowe Nuthing2008-01-16T03:43:24Z

This guy was awesome in College ( WV Mountaineers ). He had skill that normal people would love to have. Blows my mind how he pizzes it all away. He shouldn't be allowed back into the NFL. To much talent out there to worry about him and his legal problems....If you don't believe me, check out the projected NFL Draft. Alot of talent waiting in line for his job.
He needs to find out what the 40-100 hour a week jobs are all about cuz you know the more you make the more you spend....won't be long before he's broke. Back to reality you go Pac-Man !

>>>>>>Watching that star burn out <<<<<<<


This clown has had more chances than any person deserves. He should be barred for life from the NFL and finally get fitted for an orange jumpsuit. If the criminal behavior since college was perpetrated by an "average" person, such breaks from the courts and employers would have never, ever happened.

The Angry Stick Man2008-01-16T03:31:05Z

He is fighting for the title of Worlds Dumbest Criminal

If I had as much $$$ as he had I would pay the strippers to come to my play, instead of paying 10$ for a beer and being around that crowd.

If all this turns out to be true Furor Goodell won't let him in


Not after punching that lady in the eye. I dont get y they wait till now to tell everyone though

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