Does anyone have trouble voting?

When I go to the voting portion of Yahoo Answers, I click on vote, then I have to go to discover again, and go to vote again, before I can vote on an answer...
I can't just vote over and over like I used to...


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Why yes I have had a hard time voting too.
My screen says that I am clicking on voted on unanswered questions and I do that and that works.
But then I go to show me another and it tell me something was deleted and not there.
I get tired of going back to the top to go to discover again and vote again.
I can't vote over and over like I used to either.
I guess we are in the same boat.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2008-01-16T12:04:11Z

The "Show me another" link is a know glitch that gets fixed from time to time, but generally just breaks again. The easiest thing to do is click either 'answer' or 'discover', click the VOTE tab -- and vote on a question. NOW -- use the ▼ arrow next to your BACK button to go BACK to the original list of questions in voting -- it should be the 3rd or 4th item down. Click THAT -- and you are back at the list, so you can choose another question yourself. Still not perfect, but better than clicking all over the place again and again.

The other option is that you can RIGHT CLICK the question you want to vote on, use OPEN IN NEW WINDOW -- vote, close the window, and your original list should still be there to choose a new question from.


The only time I need to go to >> discover >> Undecided Question >> is when after clicking "Show me another" I stumble upon a 'Deleted' Question, then it is a dead-end too for finding more undecided question in that order. You have no alternate but to go back to "Discover" etc to get back to voting on the undecided question.

In fact I wrote Yahoo! Answers Team (YAT) several times in the past to make options available to 'skip' such deleted question, those are blocking our voting processes, without having to go back to Home or such place, but I did not get any response from YAT nor has the problem been attended.

Have a nice surfing Kay!


Yahoo! Answers UK & Ireland poses no such problem : When one Left Clicks on 'Vote Undecided Questions', only those Questions up for Voting appear. And when one clicks on 'Discover Resolved Questions', only those Questions that have been Solved appear...
When I select a Question to Vote on, I always Right Click on it, and choose 'Open in New Window'. After Voting, I simply close that last Window - and the 'Vote Undecided Questions' Window panel reappears on my monitor's screen.
...Perhaps you are only facing a local problem, in your area :
Try asking Yahoo! Helpline about your problem.


Ron Paul isn't operating as an self sufficient this time because he realizes you won't be able to conquer both get jointly paradigm in this usa. the really thanks to dismantle the more desirable powers of the federal factor is from in the federal factor. Ron Paul is a vote for state's rights and the starting up to a go back to the stability the founders knew became had to guard the pursuits of the whole union, not any decide on faction.

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