Can you suggest the best hair dye to change from White to Black?


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i will suggest nearest to your natural colour, if your hair is black or dark brown, you can use 1 shade darker..
use semi permanent colour and 3% to 6% peroxide..
that will give you a more natural look..
remember the lower the peroxide, the lesser you damage your hair.
because you are covering your grey , so that means you have to retouch every 6 weeks for new growth, the color will actually build up and stay permanent after constance retouching..
you can do your 1st hair color in a hair dressing salon, pay attention to how they do it , also make sure you remember the brand and color they use,there is always a color number on the box and..i will suggest LOREAL because they supply the same quality product in both hairdressing salon and over the counter stores. after that you can buy the hair dye from a store and DIYyourself..which will be a lot cheaper.
hope this helps..




Black tea darkens the hair as much as possible without actually damaging it like a chemical dye. Chemical dye's can be very harmful for the hair.


go to your hairdresser