Auto insurance question, another person in vehicle injured-please help?

I preveiously asked a question and recieved many answers, I have one more, What happends to the passenger in the vehicle who was injured-the accident was the other drivers fault, but my son driving had no license and no insurance, however, the passenger was injured. Who is responsible for his medical bills?


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1-if the passenger has his/her own auto insurance or is covered under someone else's auto insurance - he/she could possibly have medpay or uninsured motorist coverage under that policy

2 - the at fault party (yes, that could turn out to be your son if he was at fault)

3 - his/her own health insurance company

There are all kinds of things to consider in any of these situations, though.

Hope all turns out well.



Even though you state your son was driving is he the owner of that vehicle? If he isn't the owner of that vehicle the passenger can go after bodily injury, medpay, and um/uim under the policy of the owner of that vehicle. First step for the passenger though should be to try to go after the insurance of the at fault driver. If that is not enough to cover or they deny his claim, and your son is both the driver & owner of that vehicle he was driving, then the passenger will have to call his insurance company to file a claim if he has medpay or um/uim on his own policy. There are many outlets negligent free passengers can usually take. Of course, different states have different laws and what I just mentioned may not be 100% accurate in every state.


Depends on what state you are in. It could be your son, it could be the owner of the car he was driving, it could be the other party who's at fault for the accident. It could be the passenger's auto policy, or their parent's auto policy.

It's HIGHLY state specific.