Have you ever gotten best answer on a really old question?
Sometimes i go on and vote for really old tiebreakers. Has anyone gotten best answer for a question that was really old? What did you think when it finally rolled in and how old was it?
Sometimes i go on and vote for really old tiebreakers. Has anyone gotten best answer for a question that was really old? What did you think when it finally rolled in and how old was it?
Favorite Answer
Yes, it was from last year, I was surprised that my answer was selected as the best.
You can get and really get Answers in minutes and it works for three days. You select a best Answer that that you can or leave it to the community to vote for it
Yes, I got one from a question I answered 3 months ago.
The oldest one that I can recall was five months. It takes the voters a long time to work through the backlog.
lucky s
Yes some times after months,even you forgot about it.