Segunda Horse Bit??

Has anyone ever used a "segunda d-ring" bit? It is a D ring that is double jointed (like a french link or Dr. Bristol) but the centerpiece is a medium height port. I am have been told that this is a good bit for a horse that needs a bit more than a snaffle but a kimberwick is too much (which is exactly where my horse is!)... However I'm a bit confused... I was always under the impression that ports (unless you get to the very high ones) work by allowing more space for the tongue thereby being fairly mild on the tongue (working on the bars) and that double-jointed bits work by following the shape of the mouth thereby being mild on the bars and working on the tongue... however this bit was recommended to me by two VERY well known hunter trainers in the area for my horse.


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I've used a similar bit on my gelding. I'm not sure if it was the same as far as the name, but I googled what you're talking about, and the one I used looks identical. My gelding was used to a slow twist eggbutt snaffle, and my trainer suggested this to help get him to bridle and engage his hocks. I put it in his mouth, asked him to bridle, and ended up on the ground. However, the trainer that suggested it has had success with every other horse she's tried it on (I'd say about 5 or 6). Just wanted to share my experience! Since that incident, my gelding has proven picky in almost everything from bits to saddle pads, to reins.... EVERYTHING!!! :-D