mental health and artistic abilities?

I answered a question awhile back about mental health problems and artistic abilities that got me thinking. If it is possible to cure or treat these problems then wouldnt it be possible for scientists to make a drug that would bring out the artistic abilities in someone?

also what would be the pros and cons if there was something like that out there?

Mad Mac2008-01-20T15:13:33Z

Favorite Answer

I don't think the two are in any way related. As for a pill to bring out artistic abilities I don't think so. I suggest reading the following book about the state of knowledge about the human brain. It is by a noted science writer who used to be connected in some way to Scientific American Magazine.

John Horgan;"The Undiscovered Mind, how the human brain defies replication, medication and explanation."; The Free Press, N.Y. NY, 1999

He suggests that most "pills to alter mental states" are ineffectual. I think science gets carried away in their touting of cures by pills for "Chemical Imbalances" as they are all just a surmise with no definitive evidence for them and the real cure has to be a matter of a change of will with possible help by a psychotherapist..