what does "Spoil" mean; as in ...it's significance?

You've spoilt your Life


Can I be Bovered.




Favorite Answer

Personally, I prefer "spoiled".
One would assume that a life that had much opportunity and advantage, and was full of good potential might become "spoilt" - opportunity, advantage and potential wasted by choice, rather than circumstance.

Really a value judgment on someone else's life.

I think you mean "bothered, rather than "bovered". A person can become bothered... especially by someone who seems to be judging your life... I have to ask:
Is this person willing to die in your place when the time comes, too?
I thought not...!

Debbie s2008-01-20T17:28:50Z

spoil means to ruin. "you've spoilt your life",that is a perception issue. Spoiled your life by who's standard? Spoiled the couch by punching holes in it is something else.