going army mos 88m motor transport operator?

any thoughts on this mos?? i have heard it is not that bad cause when everyone else is walking u gotta truck o drive. also heard ur a big target!! any info??


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GOD BLESS YOU for going into the Army we need all the real Americans we can get.The panty wast mommy boys can stay home and cry about there freedom and do nothing .


My husband is an 88mike and is in Iraq now for the 2nd time, his 5th career deployment. And you are right....everyone else is footin it, my husband is drivin it. My husband loves driving trucks, the bigger the better. He has also driven a few track vehicles in a pinch, and operates a forklift too. Sure he has been shot at, and a few RPGs have gone flying, but if everyone has done their job, from the scouts, to commanders, to guntruck, then all should be just fine. Anybody that leaves the wire has a dangerous job to do. But my husband LOVES his job and wouldnt trade it for any other "safer" job. If he had a "safe" job and had to be a FOBbett, he might just go crazy. I am SO proud of him for what he does, and besides, he looks hot driving the big trucks. Its a good MOS...do it.


It's not the best job in the army. It's up to you what you want to do. The Army created a combat badge that can be awarded to people other than infantry because of all the combat involving "Non-combat mos." If you go to Iraq, prepare for ambushes, and RPG rounds. I'm not saying it will happen, but know what you are getting yourself into.

Todd J2008-01-21T01:30:55Z

you'll be a truck driver. depending on what unit you go to will dictate how much time you'll spend driving outside the wire and what you drive exactly. the lmtv (like all other vehicles over in country that are used outside the wire) are armored up and since they sit higher than the uparmored hmmv's, they're generally safer in an ied strike although not impossible to take out.

MP US Army2008-01-21T01:44:59Z

The truck does make you a big target.

But the training is not that hard and it can be used to get a job when you get out.

Also...there are a lot of females in this MOS, HAVE FUN. (that's the best way I can put it)

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