Are people more important than..?

gods or money? When I say people I mean humanity as a whole. question dancing, please answer the question.


Favorite Answer

Yes, of course.


As a whole I say no. The majority of people put gods and/or money above the individual human life.

Len M2008-01-20T23:04:05Z

When you say gods and money, to many that will be the same. But every man individually is worth more than all the gods and money combined. But how would suppose to measure the worth of the Creator of the universe. Jesus sacrifice on day paid the price for the sins of every man, woman and child. I wasn't deserving, were you?


For me? No. I don't like the average person I run into on a daily basis. Humanity, in my opinion, is a constant disappointment and embarrassment. I live solely for my son and In this economy, plenty money to give him what he needs is a must.

franco A2008-01-20T23:08:30Z

ofcourse we are important than mone, dont forget that we make the money, but we make the money to control us because we want to, its all in hands made, the human who made the selfeshines comes to the world, we ruines the world by our filthy selfish, greed, we humans are bad, if we have money we dont care about humanity even if we saw a sick man or a homless in the steets because we care about our selves, but you know something my friend, we are like only because we are away from god, and away from jesus, jesus said, treat and love everyone as you love your self, because when you do for them you do it for me, we should control the money and not even to concern about it, the money comes and go, if rich people if they are selfish they are idiots, they think that they are saving money , even if its millions billons trillions, this is nothing, this money is empty its nothing for them, do you know why? because when they die, they will not gain anything, not even a peny will be used by them. imagine, theyve been collecting all this money in there life, and at the end, when they die they cant use a penny, is it that funny how idiot these people are? why we dont use this money in earth so we can save money on heaven ? so when i die i can use it? what i mean with that is the gifts that jesus is saving it for me in his kingdom. why don i the rich man who has lots of money help the homeless man, who is looking to eat only a piece of dry bread to servive, he is not asking more, he is asking to live, but i tell you, that we humans are idiots, if we think right we should know that what we are doing is wrong, and the right thing to do is to help help help, to help the poor, the sickness, who is serviving, help from your heart, and god will give you tripple the amount, plus the blessings that has no end in heaven, this way you are saving yourself from hell, ofcourse humans are better than money, god id the first think we have to consider before our self needs, because god is what makes us alive and alive at the end of the time. god bless evereyone.

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